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Protecting 30% of the planet for nature: costs, benefits and economic implications

A Waldron, V Adams, J Allan, A Arnell, G Asner, S Atkinson, A Baccini, JEM Baillie, A Balmford, JA Beau, L Brander, E Brondizio, A Bruner, N Burgess, K Burkart, S Butchart, R Button, R Carrasco, W Cheung, V Christensen, A Clements, M Coll, M di Marco, M Deguignet, E Dinerstein, E Ellis, F Eppink, J Ervin, A Escobedo, J Fa, A Fernandes-Llamazares, S Fernando, S Fujimori, B Fulton, S Garnett, J Gerber, D Gill, T Gopalakrishna, N Hahn, B Halpern, T Hasegawa, P Havlik, V Heikinheimo, R Heneghanm E Henry, F Humpenoder, H Jonas, K Jones, L Joppa, AR Joshi, M Jung, N Kingston, C Klein, T Krisztin, V Lam, D Leclere, P Lindsey, H Locke, TE Lovejoy, P Madgwick, Y Malhi, et al. (incl DP Tittensor).


Working paper analysing the economic implications of the proposed 30% target for
areal protection in the draft post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework

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